Monday, September 29, 2014

What is Insulin Resistance Syndrome: Understanding the Role of Insulin

Understanding the role of insulin in the human body is essential with regard to the prevention or insulin resistance syndrome.

What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, when there is an increase of sugar in the blood stream. 

Attaching to cells in the human body, insulin removes blood sugar needed for energy.  When there is insulin resistance or insulin resistance syndrome, the human cells do not respond appropriately to the hormone’s action. The pancreas then produces higher levels of insulin, in order to deal with the increasingly elevated sugar levels, which results in an excess of insulin in the body.    

Patients who have insulin resistance syndrome demonstrate relatively high blood sugar levels and gradually tend towards diabetes, as the body is not able to compensate for the elevated blood sugar levels, even though it attempts to do so.

Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent insulin resistance syndrome.

Prevention is important, as there are other diseases associated with insulin resistance syndrome such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, heart disease and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome.

Exercise, weight and dietary management are three crucial aspects in the prevention of insulin resistance syndrome.      

Globally, many people, including children, live relatively sedate lifestyles and thus, diabetes, as the result of insulin resistance syndrome, is on the rise. Decreasing the incidence of diabetes is possible. In order to do this, it is up to people everywhere to assume control of their own lifestyles.

Increasing physical activity on a daily basis is extremely important, as exercise requires energy and reduces blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are lower, less insulin production is required.

Simply walking for a minimum of thirty minutes a day or several times a day, can help to reduce one’s blood sugar level to a satisfactory level. There are many other kinds of physical exercise that one can undertake, for instance swimming, skating, skiing, dancing and jogging. Becoming involved in a recreational program that involves physical activity, is often a good idea.   

Exercise is also an important aspect of long-term weight loss and management. Weight loss programs are most effective for those who are willing to learn, understand and adhere to the basic principles of weight loss and weight management.     

Healthy eating is a good starting place for anyone wanting to begin a weight loss program.

Listening to one’s body is a good rule of thumb with regard to dietary management. The human body will reveal its own needs and requirements in terms of food consumption. Most people instinctively know when they are comfortable with their weight and food consumption. A person tending towards obesity is not comfortable with his or her weight and may attempt to avoid the issue, but instinctively knows he or she would feel better at a lower weight. Taking action and thus, doing something about it, is an important step.  

Avoiding high caloric foods and drinks is important. Gradually reducing them over time, will gradually bring about a lowering of one’s blood sugar and a shift in one’s weight. Reducing portion size is another way to cut calories. Choice of food is another vital factor. Choose only healthy foods and drinks.  

Be aware that the prevention of insulin resistance syndrome and diabetes reduces the likelihood of other disease processes in the future. Remember that a regular physical assessment by a qualified, health care professional is important to rule out insulin resistance syndrome.

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