Thursday, September 18, 2014

Smokers and Accidents: Non-Smokers Have Rights

Many people who smoke have been smoking while driving, for decades. At no time has their right to smoke while they are driving, ever been questioned by anyone, but perhaps that time has come because of the increasing abuse of the right to smoke.

Yes, smokers have rights, but so do non-smokers.

One of the rights of non-smokers includes the freedom to live smoke free, with their lives unaffected by what smokers choose to do. There is not doubt that many smokers take the attitude that smokers rule. That includes while they are driving on the highway. At the same time, there is a growing incidence of accidents related to road rage, on highways everywhere.

Part of the road rage scenario has to do with the nicotine addiction factor.

Nicotine is addicting and that is beyond dispute. Addiction to nicotine means that the human body has a continually increasing need for it. This occurs at the same time that nicotine intake is reducing the blood circulation in the human body, creating a further craving that is never satiated. It may also affect other body functions. 

Addiction reaches far beyond the realm of just nicotine, into the world of substance abuse. Addressing the topic of substance abuse goes even further into the realm of many different addicting, prescription drugs that have varying side effects.

Personal and public safety when driving, has to be foremost. Anything that alters the human mind or ability to function effectively while driving, should be under scrutiny.

Has anyone ever done a survey about whether or not those involved in motor vehicle accidents are smokers? Were they smoking or doing something related to smoking, when they had accidents? Should surveys be done with respect to accidents and include an analysis of addicting factors, like nicotine?

Should people smoking while driving, be ticketed and fined by police?

Most smokers will say no to that, but those who have suffered abuse from smokers, know that smokers rule can endanger them and their health, particularly when it comes to addictions. People who are addicted to something will do anything to get money they need to pay for their addiction.

Casual smokers may not be the problem, but the use of nicotine leads to that of marijuana and other heavier substances that are mind altering drugs and prove to be addictive.

Are people safe on the road when drug addicts are smoking and driving? Is anyone safe when there is someone whose judgment is impaired, driving beside, ahead of or behind him or her?

There are rest stops along the highway for people to take breaks. That could include smoking breaks.

Think twice before you say that smoking while driving is not a factor related to motor vehicle accidents. It may be far more of a problem than anyone realizes. In time, appropriate research may prove that those who are caught smoking while driving should be given tickets and fined.           

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