Sunday, August 3, 2014

Prevent Stress Setbacks With Effective Stress Management: Take Control of Your Life

According to the website
has a way of affecting people mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. No one is immune to stress or possible setbacks that result from excessive stress. 

At the same time, there are effective stress management techniques that can help you to prevent unnecessary stress setbacks, particularly repeated ones. If you are aware that something stresses you out and have experienced a set back or repeated setbacks from it, it may be time to take action to prevent it from recurring.

“Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control.”

Consider the following effective stress management techniques.

Try to identify the source of any stress that causes setbacks.

Discovering the source of the stress in your life is the first step to facing and dealing with it. Most people know what causes the most severe stress in their lives. At times, it can be the result of financial matters, but it can also be from marital discord or inter-personal relationship problems. Many people experience stress resulting from unexpected or unanticipated changes in their lives, particularly at work.

Identify the symptoms that stress causes.

Stress can cause different symptoms, but they are often consistent in terms of the same kind of stress. For example, a demanding mother-in-law can cause a daughter-in-law to have repeated, migraine headaches. A heavy day in traffic can cause a truck driver to experience mild to moderate chest pain. Be aware that when you experience stress, it can give the same symptoms every time. Ask yourself how you can change the situation that causes stress and then work on it. 

Avoid the stress that leads to stress setbacks.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid certain kinds of stress, but learning how to cope with it can make a difference. For example, to reduce the stress of noisy, disruptive children at suppertime, a visit to the local park can ease everyone’s tension. Improving communication reduces stress between spouses. Financial planning can help to reduce stress in families.   

Be realistic about stress and learn what effective stress management measures work best for you.

You know yourself and your own stress tolerance level best. Real versus imaginary stress is part of your life. For example, does the neighbor’s lawn mower stress you out? Perhaps it is more like a one on a scale of one to ten. Just closing a window will reduce the noise of the lawnmower, so that you are no longer experience stress because of it. Maybe it is the gas fumes from the lawn mower cause your headache, not the noise.

Focus on that which is positive, constructive and known to be beneficial to you when you are under stress. 

Cycling, jogging, line dancing or other physical activity can help you deal with stress; so can going out for supper or watching a good movie. Many people turn to yoga or prayer to reduce their stress levels. 
There are many things that you can do to manage or reduce your stress. For example, take a regular break from your online job and enjoy a cup of tea with a neighbor. Leave your car at home, ride on a city bus or walk to work. Attend a concert!

Make certain that you get sufficient rest and eat the proper foods at all times, particularly during times of high stress. Going to bed early one night a week and taking catnaps when fatigued, can help you to relax. If you are getting sufficient rest and eating proper foods, you are less likely have stress from everyday events. Remember that you can control some of your life, but do not need to control everything. Learn to assume control of what you can control.  

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you need to learn anger management techniques to help you deal with stress? Is there someone who you can turn to, so that you do not bear the entire stress burden alone? Is counseling appropriate for you? What other activities can you pursue to balance the excessive adrenalin released because of added stress in your life? You can prevent stress setbacks and learn to manage your stress effectively, by recognizing it is a reality. Because there will always be different kinds of stress in your life, you can learn to recognize it and use the energy created by it to your advantage. Become proactive and enjoy life, stress and all.

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