Friday, October 17, 2014

Looking at Possible, Undiscovered Approaches to Medicine

The Dimino challenge: Behold the pie map

 Looking at possible, undiscovered approaches to medicine and thus, scientific achievement presents a challenge. This article will look at a large picture with respect to known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment, with the thought that even that body of knowledge can be expanded upon.

If one was to take all of the currently known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment, as a collective whole and to place it in one. all-encompassing circle, the image that one might perceive is a tremendously large one, almost  beyond our human comprehension.

This might be regarded as looking at it from a wholological perspective or the science of the whole, with respect to the entire or complete body of known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment. This is a relatively new concept.

Of necessity, this would have to include anything and everything that known or the sum total of all of the existing knowledge about medicine and medical treatment, in the entire world. It would also have to include all past, present and future knowledge.

That would take a humungous library. 

Who could ever catalogue it?

Take this diagram a step further, by cutting that global circle of known knowledge about medical treatment into four pie-shaped wedges.

The first cut one might suggest is from the top of the pie to the bottom or from the bottom of the pie towards the top. This may suggest a polarity of north and south, or south and north, depending upon which way the cut was made in terms of positing any actual direction.

The second cut might be that of left to right or right to left and could depict east and west, or west and east.

Now we begin to see four segments or wedges of the pie cut into four distinct pieces.

We have used this kind of mapping imagery many times over the generations of humankind, in order to draw global maps, so a pie model is not something new or different.

What does this discussion about cutting a pie into four pieces, mean in terms of known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment and where it is heading in the future?

Taking this a bit further, these four wedges of the pie could represent the four, global wedges or segments of known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment, if perceived as being on a global plane of existence.

For the moment and for many other reasons, let us stick to knowledge currently known, rather than delving into previous historical knowledge that has been or may have been forgotten, or into the vast realm of knowledge that can still be known in the future.

Even these images of four, global wedges appear to be far too great in scope for human comprehension, because no one can fully comprehend that extent of known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment.

Some people might comprehend, at least in part, one segment of a wedge in this global pie, or a part of one quarter of all possible known knowledge.

These people are likely to be generalists in terms of their way of perceiving and thinking. Even that could boggle the human mind, just because of its tremendous magnitude.

The human mind allows a generalist to process and comprehend vast amounts of knowledge and thus, they are able to perceive beyond what the majority of people can see. Those who perceive as generalists can generalize their thoughts, with respect to their human comprehension or understanding, but in varying degrees.

At the other end of the continuum, on this train of thought, other people tend to think as particularists. The particularist tries to grasp and perceive the specific minute particle and comprehends that particle, at least in part, rather than seeing the larger picture or a whole, as a generalist would do.

The generalist would see and comprehend where the particle fits into the larger whole, while the particularist would not perceive that. The generalist tends to see a much greater picture, with a continually enlarging horizon of curiosity, comprehension and understanding.

The particularist chooses to explore the particular or particle to the nth degree, always seeking something smaller, but usually, totally ignoring the place of the particle within the whole, at least to some extent.

Most people tend to perceive somewhere in between the two poles. Some see both, or a part of what the generalist would see, and a part of what the particularist can see.

Take this further.

"East is east and west is west and ne'er the twain shall meet."

Is that statement true?

There are those who state that east never meets west and west never meets east. Obviously, in terms of this kind of thinking, north and south cannot meet either.

Shall we believe that, merely because it what we have been told or taught? Or, is this merely some figment of our imagination with respect to our belief system, simply because we do not or cannot see, much less think that way?

There is an actual, dimino meeting point for the four poles, at the very center or heart of that pie. A fine line separates the northern and the southern realms. The same is true about the eastern and the western realms.

In reality, we just do not know where that meeting point actually is or where those lines might be drawn.
One must ask if this is relative.

Nor do we comprehend how it can be possible for north to meet south, south to meet north, east to meet west and west to meet east or what it means to have a common meeting point for north, south, east and west.

Yet, it is possible. There has to be a mutual, meeting point where there is some kind of a merging.
In actuality, the four segments of the pie that we depicted, do come together at one point in both time and space.

We can prove this by the reality that the pie can be cut in four separate wedges. We can just as easily put it back together again, unless there are no longer any crusts or if they are destroyed in the process.

Each segment has a tip and the four tips do merge into one point

In other words, north meets south, south meets north, east meets west and west meets east. All four segments do meet.

What did not appear to be existing previously, actually does exist in real time and real space.

It exists now, in our reality, because we can perceive of it this way, based upon the model of the pie. We have not even begun to look at layers or layering, much less smaller wedges of the pie, in this model. These layers could be crusts.

What does this mean to us?

With respect to global known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment potential and its possibilities, we invariably try to divide and separate eastern and western thought. We seldom take any time to think about northern and southern perspectives in terms of known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment.

Is this because no one has recognized or discovered the dimino meeting point, in terms of global known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment potential in the past? This is extremely difficult to believe.

Add another factor, which represents a holological perspective. This could be referred to as representing both the sacred and profane realm in all four wedges, and the picture of the pie changes again.

Now we are beginning to look at more complex layering or the crusts, in terms of the whole of the pie model.

This could be representing, depicting or actually being, the holy versus the unholy realm of thought. With respect to what we now know, it could also refer to the holistic versus non-holistic realm of global known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment potential.

Add this factor. Put a large box around the entire circle. That could reveal or depict some empty corners that are not even inside the known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment circle.

Now we are delving deeper and getting into the unknown realm

There is so much that we do not know or comprehend yet, in terms of knowledge about medicine and medical treatment.

Put another circle inside each box that is drawn around the circle. There are still empty, undiscovered corners of knowledge.

If you were to draw yet another circle, this time only inside the part of the wedge that is inside the circle, the known body of knowledge about medicine and medical treatment gets even smaller. It too has empty corners representing what might represent only partially known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment.

How much there is that still waits to be discovered by humankind.

The big question becomes one of how we can comprehend known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment potential from a global plane perspective.

Then, we might ask how we might be able to help each sector of the globe, northern, southern, eastern and western realms, in terms of known knowledge or unknown knowledge about medicine and medical treatment and its future, potential implications.

There is still the individual aspect to consider.

This could mean the individual universe as one universe, the individual globe as one world, the individual country as a single country, the individual community as a single community, the individual family as one family, the individual couple as one couple and the individual as one person, each representing mere pixels, placed in a greater picture of humankind. Yet, each pixel is equally important.

The initial challenge for humankind is that of trying to behold the reality of this kind of imagery, in terms of a pie map model.

The next task would appear to be that of locating or finding the dimino point, so that east can be perceived as actually meeting the west and vice versa. Discovering where north meets south and vice versa, is important, as well. All four directions do come together at the dimino point. Four lines depict the segments.

After that, one might examine what is the known and unknown knowledge about mediine and medical treatment, inside the smallest circle, next the larger circle and finally, the largest circle.

Each one of the four boxes that have been created must be examined in terms of the both the known and the unknown.

What we will begin to see is the actual reality of a totality, when all of these four boxes in the picture, are one larger box outside the circle. There is still something missing here. There is still the unknown outside the larger box.

Can we comprehend the current known knowledge about medicine and medical treatment and the unknown, in terms of past, present and future? One must suggest that we understand this only in part.

Behold the pie map represents the dimino challenge for medicine and medical treatment of the future. This may be one, possible, hitherto undiscovered approach to medicine.  .

Thursday, October 16, 2014

One Spirit and One Psyche

In order to answer the question, ‘should there be a link between spirituality and psychiatry’, one must first look at a human being. Every person has one spirit; he or she also has one psyche. His or her spirit is not separate from the psyche. Every human being is unique. He or she is always one entity or a whole with a spirit and a psyche.       

In terms of an academic pursuit regarding the nature of the spirit and the nature of the psyche or the question of linking spirituality and psychiatry, these are separate realms of inquiry and scientific discovery. Spirituality and psychiatry have an existing link, although it may not be recognized.

To argue that there is no existing link between the spirit and the psyche, essentially divides the human being into two parts, instead of perceiving them as being part of the same whole. It also suggests that the link can be broken. To suggest that there should not be a link between spirituality and psychiatry, also argues that the spirit and the psyche are completely separate entities.  

Can one separate the soul and the spirit? Not really, although it appears that there are many attempts to deal with them separately.

A closer examination of the words spirit and spirituality, as well as a comparison of psyche and psychiatry, will shed further light on the subject.

The English word spirit (from Latin spiritus "breath") has many differing meanings and connotations, all of them relating to a non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body. The spirit of a human being is thus the animating, sensitive or vital principle in that individual, similar to the soul taken to be the seat of the mental, intellectual and emotional powers. The notions of a person's "spirit" and "soul" often also overlap, as both contrast with body and both are imagined as surviving the bodily death in religion and occultism,[1] and "spirit" can also have the sense of "ghost", i.e. manifestations of the spirit of a deceased person. The term may also refer to any being imagined as incorporeal or immaterial, such as demons or deities, in Christianity specifically the Holy Spirit experienced by the disciples at Pentecost. (1)

Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality;[1] an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.”[2] Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; such practices often lead to an experience of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm.[3] Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life.[4] It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world. (2)

Becoming more aware of what the spirit represents and what spirituality involves is important. It also allows a closer look at their significance, in relationship to the psyche and psychiatry.   

Look at the words, psyche and psychiatry, in the same way.

In psychoanalysis and other forms of depth psychology, the psyche (pronounced /saki/; etymology: Greek ψυχ psykhe "soul, mind, breath, life"[1]) refers to the forces in an individual that influence thought, behavior and personality.[2] The word is borrowed from ancient Greek, and refers to the concept of the self, encompassing the modern ideas of soul, self, and mind. The Greeks believed that the soul or "psyche" was responsible for behavior. A psyche in mythology means a butterfly. (3)

Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the study and treatment of mental disorders—which include various affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual disorders. The term was first coined by the German physician Johann Christian Reil in 1808. It literally means the 'medical treatment of the mind' (psych-: mind; -iatry: medical treatment; from Greek itrikos: medical, isthai: to heal). A medical doctor specializing in psychiatry is a psychiatrist.(4)

Should there be a link between spirituality and psychiatry?

In conclusion, one must argue that there are links between the two realms. There is also the realm of the unknown knowledge, evident in each case. This also suggests that as human beings, we have yet to discover how to link the two realms properly.

Monday, October 13, 2014

What is Wellness? The Pathway Less Traveled

Wellness or sickness?

Of the two possible pathways that you can take with respect to your health, the one less traveled, wellness, is a state of health or being healthy.

Any pathway in life can seem to be relatively obscure; as may the pathway of wellness. The pathway of wellness is often considered the pathway less traveled, because it appears to be a more difficult pathway to follow.    

The pathway that ultimately leads to sickness may appear to be more desirable, pleasant and more desirable, at any time. It may also seem more fun to be part of the social crowd that smokes, drinks and does drugs. Be aware that this is not a pathway of wellness. It is a pathway leading to sickness.

Unfortunately, this kind of pathway will prove to be harmful to your health and that of others in the end. You can choose to live dangerously, if this pathway appeals to you, but should you? Would you if you were aware of the possible consequences?

This is a decision that only you can make for yourself, but this is not a good pathway to follow as it is not a good one. You do know better or at least, you should. Your parents and teachers have taught you to take a pathway towards wellness.

If you choose a pathway towards sickness, later on, you will regret the choice or choices that you have made. Know that any decision you make regarding your pathway in life, is ultimately only yours to make.

Remember that the consequences will be yours to bear, as well. Your choice of taking a wrong pathway in life can affect the health and well-being of many others too, in a negative or adverse way. For example, if you insist on smoking in your home, there is an extremely high risk of cancer for you and others. Excessive drinking and the use of drugs lead towards addiction and future health problems.    

On the other hand, your choice of the right pathway can affect and influence others in a positive direction. 

For example, if you choose good food, an active lifestyle and a high level of physical exercise and activity, you will have a healthier heart and live longer. Other people may choose to follow your footsteps, so begin by setting a good example for them. This can include your children and grandchildren, your parents and other relatives. Over time everyone, including your friends, may begin to live a more positive, healthier lifestyle.

Start on your pathway towards wellness today by making a wise, learned decision for your health. Choose the pathway of wellness for yourself, your spouse and children, as well as other family members and friends. Help others around the world to make the decision for wellness. 

Act today. You will be glad that you did.   

Sometimes, it is far wiser to take the pathway less traveled. The route may be longer. At times, it may be lonely, more difficult and harder pathway to follow, but for you and others, it will reap rewards in the end.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dis-ease: The Nature of Addiction

Is addiction to drugs and alcohol a disease?

Addiction is regarded as being a disease, much to the dismay of many people, particularly those who do not see addiction of any kind in the same light as disease, the way we normally understand it.     

Perhaps the current definition of addiction in terms of being a disease entity, refers directly to an earlier expression, derived from an obsolete, old-French language word, dis-aise or translated more literally, as dis-ease, (1) which suggests that the human body has a lack of ease or a feeling of discomfort, that it seeks to resolve in some way.

Addictions of any kind create a state of dis-ease or un-easiness in the human body. In other words, regardless of the cause, the human body is not in its normal state of homoeostasis or balance. Something is awry.

When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the body has a dependency and an increasing craving for something to which it has become accustomed. In fact, the body has begun to rely more and more upon it. Attempting to reduce the amount of drugs, alcohol or any other addictive substance, results in an ever-growing desire, craving or longing for more.

Disease suggests pathology. There are numerous causes for pathological conditions. Pathology suggests the presence of symptoms that require treatment because the human body is experiencing an adverse effect of some kind.

Addiction manifests symptoms and withdrawal symptoms depending upon what one is addicted to or attempting to withdraw from, at any time. A person can be addicted to more than one substance at the same time and thus, demonstrate an addictive personality type.  

To continue to satisfy the body’s cravings or needs with something that is potentially harmful or even lethal leads to concern, because of serious health issues and potential medical implications. Drug and alcohol abuse can be dangerous both to oneself and to others. 

Addiction does not bring healing, health and wholeness to any part of the physical body much less the body organs or various systems that allow the body to function properly. Attempting to satisfy oneself in this way only leads to more cravings and increases the likelihood of future health problems. It has serious mental health implications, as well.

Addiction is not the result of an infection of any kind and it is not contagious. There are genetic implications, as well as other factors that lead to addiction. These can include social, stress or environmental factors. There are also serious, genetic implications with regard to children born in the future.   

Arguing that it is all right to abuse drugs or alcohol because one has a disease, is rooted in a lack of understanding with regard to the nature of addiction. Anyone who is aware that he or she has an addiction to drugs or alcohol, should seek immediate, professional medical advice and counseling.   

Haitians Blame UN for Cholera Outbreak: The Blame Game

Is the UN to blame for the cholera outbreak in Haiti

In any part of the world where there is an epidemic of any kind, it is human nature to play the blame game. In other words, someone, somewhere or something, is accorded the blame. That can even include an organization like the UN. One might wonder if it is justified in this particular scenario.

In seeking to resolve this issue, it is important to understand the nature of cholera. Cholera is a disease that is spread by the vibrio cholerae bacterium. 

No one would intentionally seek to spread a disease like cholera, because it can be fatal to human beings within hours. Note that because Haiti has recently been ravaged by both an earthquake and a hurricane in the past year, the people living in Haiti are particularly vulnerable to cholera.

Natural disasters invariably lead to upheaval in any country. There is poverty, as many people are displaced from their homes. There can be crowded living conditions with poor sanitation. There may be a lack of water that has been treated properly in order to prevent the spread of a disease like cholera. Raw sewage can cause serious health problems.

While the majority of people in contact with the vibrio cholerae bacterium do not necessarily become ill with cholera, they can still be carriers of the disease. What this means is that unknowingly, people can and do carry the disease from one place to another without being ill or demonstrating any symptoms of the disease. This also means that anyone coming and going from Haiti, at any time, may have been exposed to the disease, but be unaware of it.

The problem surfaces as an epidemic, when suddenly, huge numbers of people demonstrate the symptoms of severe dehydration, as the result of vomiting and diarrhea.

The electrolyte balance in the human body is disrupted and if not restored immediately, death is possible, particularly for those who are malnourished, have compromised immune systems and type O blood. People lacking sufficient stomach acid are vulnerable, as are those living in the same accommodations with someone else who has already contracted the disease.

Severe dehydration with the loss of large amounts of body fluids, as well as sodium chloride and potassium, unless treated immediately, can be fatal to children and elderly people. Death can result in hours or in a less severe situation, within several days.

The question becomes one of how quickly aid is received, by those living in an area that has been affected by cholera. 

Remember that for a period of one to two weeks, anyone who is in contact with the cholera bacteria can spread the disease unknowingly. Once the disease has been spread, it can and will run rampant.

While it is easy to play the blame game and point a finger at the UN, what really needs to be addressed is the nature of the disease itself, how it is spread and how it can be prevented. Treatment becomes part of the role of any caregiver involved with an epidemic like cholera.

Immediate re-hydration appears to be the essential treatment for cholera. Intravenous fluids, antibiotics and zinc are proving to be effective.

In terms of prevention, correct hand washing is critical. Proper sanitation and hygiene are needed, as well as water that has been properly treated. Cooking foods properly, including both fruits and vegetables, can be effective in terms of prevention. Avoiding sea foods, raw shellfish and sushi is important.

Note that the UN plays a major role all around the world, in terms of disaster relief. Unfortunately, there are not enough hands to help regardless of where an emergency situation occurs.

Caregivers are accorded the blame for not doing enough, no matter how much they do. Can they do more?
Everyone has some degree of responsibility with regard to natural disasters, including those in the immediate disaster areas.

Should anyone be blamed? Not necessarily, as blaming those who are trying to help may result in them withdrawing their assistance completely. Normally, that is not how caregivers respond. Those in a disaster area are encouraged to assist the caregivers, as best they can.        

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Doctors Can Be Fully Trusted: Yes, Ideally Patients Trust Their Doctors

Can doctors be fully trusted? This is a general question that should be answered in the affirmative. Yes, doctors can be fully trusted. Trust is something that has to be earned by doctors, as well as other medical and health care professionals.

The trust that a patient develops for his or her doctor is the direct result of a patient's awareness of the doctor's degree of expertise, education and training. Trust develops because patients are knowledgeable about a doctor's ongoing, active practice and inter-relationships with patients. Sometimes, it is the result of strong caring, kind and considerate, personal experiences. 

Ideally, patients should trust their doctors fully and be comfortable when being treated by them. Trust is extremely important in all medical and health care. Patients thrive under their doctor's care, particularly when the trust element is strong. In other words, trusting in doctors fully can be an important aspect of healing, health and wholeness.  

When patients are confronted with the reality of illness or surgery, there may be fear or paranoia. Patients are often afraid of illness and surgery. Thus, at times, even their doctors become suspect.

Sometimes, patients do not trust doctors fully, even though there is every indication that they should be able to do so. When this is the case, patients still have the option of seeking a second opinion or even a third. There are other doctors who can be consulted. It is possible to check the credentials of any doctor.
The majority of people do not comprehend the vast degree of education and training doctors must undergo, in order to be certified as medical and health care professionals. Doctors must continue to meet certain standards, in order to maintain their professional certification.

Ideally, every doctor strives to give his or her patients the best possible care.

Unfortunately, life happens and even the best doctor cannot always guarantee success. When there are problems and concerns, it may be a good idea for patients to question the credentials of doctors, particularly if there are issues related to the level of medical and health care that patients are receiving, but this is not usually necessary.

Doctors are aware that the trust element has to be present, in order to have patients and to maintain an active practice. If there is a lack of trust, this area of concern must be dealt with by the doctor in conjunction with his or her patient. When problems cannot be resolved, the doctor may suggest that his or her patient find another doctor, one who he or she does trust.

Can doctors be fully trusted? Definitely, yes.   

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Stigma of Mental Health Diagnosis: On the Word 'Borderline'

In mental health, diagnoses are important. For example, consider the word 'borderline'. It means just that. For example, the perimeter of one country is the same as another, but not one or the other country. It delineates both, but there is nothing definitive in terms of territory. Borderline does not fit into the realm of either hither or yon. This might also signify displacement.

Where black meets white in terms of color, there is a gray borderline. Where night meets day, there is a borderline and it can be a gray area, too. In mental health, the gray area can depict the realm of the unknown or in terms of a whole person, the unknown realm of the mind, soul, body or spirit. Maybe it is not gray at all, but more akin to the realm of rainbow colors. 

Instinctively, we seek to label 'borderline' as something, anything or whatever.  Without a name, it is useless. It cannot be defined or can it? It is not one, not the other. There is no 'is' about it, much less 'is not'. It is the 'almost' or 'not quite' region.

Should we medicalize it or perhaps medicalize everything? That way there can be a diagnosis, but it still remains vague and non-inclusive.

Magnify it. Whatever you choose to magnify grows. If it gets large enough, it might have a name too. Everything big has a name.

Put it in the mental health realm, but it is not mental health or mental illness, either.

Assign some characteristics to it, whatever suits your fancy. At least that way, it is in a box. Boxes are containers and things fit into them. Borderline fits into a box perhaps, by virtue of its perimeter or perimeters. Or does it?

There is a fine line between 'borderline' and 'split'. One is not the other; the other is not the one. There is no division in 'borderline'. It has unity, even if only as a single, stable or unstable black line or maybe it is white. Better still, it can be gray or rainbow colors.

Maybe 'borderline' fits better in a circle. Everything that is outside of the border is not in the circle or part of the 'borderline'. Or is it? Everything inside the circle is not part of the 'borderline', either. Or is it? 

Isn't the 'borderline' part of both the outside and the inside? Maybe it is simply the uniting factor.

Is the secret, the unifying-dividing power of the 'borderline'? It can be labeled this and that, but not this and not that. Joining and separating. Uniting and dividing? Joining and separating? Holding everything together and keeping it apart?

Just more evidence of a complex whole.

One can only ask what this means in terms of a mental health diagnosis. From a wholistic/holistic perspective, it might even make sense.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Warning Signs of Dementia: Dementia, a Collection of Symptoms

In the medical world, dementia is somewhat of a mystery. Are you aware of the warning signs collectively labeled as dementia?

What is dementia? defines dementia as being “severe impairment or loss of intellectual capacity and personality integration, due to the loss of, or damage of neurons in the brain.” It also suggests that dementia is equivalent to “madness” or “being out of one’s mind”.

In the past, the word senility described a patient who was losing his or her mind. Senile has become an obsolete word. It is seldom, if ever, used in medical circles or health care scenarios today. The word, madness is also obsolete with a current trend towards the use of the word dementia. Another word used in the past, is demented. This has had both mental and spiritual implications, in terms of a patient regarded as being demon possessed.

Be aware that dementia is not Alzheimer’s disease, although the collective symptoms regarded as dementia, may be associated with it.

With this in mind, what are the warning signs of dementia?

Understanding that dementia as a collection of symptoms, rather than as a disease entity as such, is very important because these symptoms are the warning signs.

Note that the degree of severity of the symptoms suggesting dementia and the mental faculties that are involved depend upon which part of the brain is affected. There is a problem with basic, brain function and thus, the cognitive areas of the brain are involved. This means that the thinking, judgment and behavior of a patient demonstrating the collection of symptoms regarded as dementia, may be abnormal. Memory and language are often part of this scenario, as these may be or may become increasingly impaired over time. If so, this will become more and more evident.

There is a fine line between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, because when one’s mind and memory are both affected, one’s reality becomes increasingly unclear or indistinct. It may be difficult for a patient to define his or her own reality.

Appropriate communication is one way to recognize a patient is mentally sound, stable and healthy. Inappropriate communication should raise concern immediately. Is there evidence of increasing memory loss or perhaps the possibility of a more serious, underlying problem?

Does the patient appear to be oriented or confused with respect to time and place? Does he or she know his or her name and address? An ongoing medical investigation will help to determine the extent and severity of this kind of a problem. Because dementia is not a disease entity as such, but rather the collection of symptoms associated with confusion and disorientation, document the symptoms carefully.    

What makes dementia difficult to diagnose at times, is the reality that other disease entities can also demonstrate similar symptoms. For example, severe heart problems, diabetes, kidney disease, abuse of alcohol, nicotine and other substances, may be underlying factors that display similar symptoms.

Whenever a patient’s circulation is impaired as in severe heart disease or stroke activity, there may be dementia-like symptoms. This is also true in cases of severe malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiency or other serious illnesses, including different kinds of mental illness. For example, schizophrenia may manifest itself in terms of confusion and disorientation. Differential diagnosis is required to determine the root or cause of the confusion and disorientation.

When should one become alarmed?

Repeated, dramatic and sudden shifts in a patient’s behavior, mood and personality indicate the need for ongoing medical assessment.

Symptoms rarely occur alone. Increasing language impairment or the inability to carry out normal tasks associated with day-to-day living, may prove to be important warning signs. Forgetfulness, in conjunction with life style activities, constant losing or misplacing of important items or the continual repetition of words and phrases, suggests imminent, pending or actual deprivation of mental faculties. Demonstrating the inability to think properly, suggests further investigation may be necessary.

Underlying disease entities and the causes of symptoms collectively regarded as dementia, will become increasingly evident. It may be possible to treat some of the symptoms that appear to present dementia in a patient, depending upon the degree of progression of the disease entity.  

How long should one wait before becoming concerned? One must suggest that the patient needs an immediate assessment, diagnosis and treatment of his or her symptoms. The safety of the patient may be in question. This may also include the safety of others. Is the patient in early or later stages of the symptoms of dementia? This can only be determined with an ongoing assessment.

If you discover what you consider warning symptoms of dementia in a patient, document them accurately as to date, time, place and circumstances. Report the symptoms to a medical professional. Do not hesitate to act, as you may save the patient’s life or that of someone else.

Knowing the warning signs collectively regarded as dementia, is important for everyone because in the future, dementia may become a far more serious problem than anyone realizes at this time.